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Te Mata Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Vibrant guava and vibrant passionfruit on the nose give way to gooseberry, coriander and aniseed on the palate - rich, complex botanicals that add alluring detail to this wine.

The Ned Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Right in the heart of the magical Waihopai Valley, a million miles from anywhere, lies The Ned, one of Marlborough's most famous peaks. The Ned Sauvignon Blanc - Punchy aromatics of lemon and lime citrus with undertones of juicy tropical fruits, fill the nose. Plush on the palate, showing juicy grapefruit freshness with lively acidity carrying these classical Waihopai Valley characters to a lengthy finish.

Villa Maria Private Bin Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This is the Sauvignon Blanc that put Villa Maria on the world map. A blend of both Marlborough's Wairau and Awatere Valleys, their winemakers take great care to ensure this wine showcases exceptional balance and consistency every vintage. The room-filling aromatics and strikingly crisp character of our Private Bin Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc are why it is so popular and such a memorable experience.

Waipara Hills Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Established in 2001, Waipara Hills is an award winning wine range from the South Island of New Zealand.

Wairau River Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This is an elegant wine with intense tropical and stone fruit aromatics with delicate citrus and floral notes, full flavoured and textured.

Wither Hills Early Light Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Established in 1994 and named after the landmark Wither Hills range that borders the vineyards, the Wither Hills expert team grow and craft expressive wines New Zealanders know and trust to represent quality. Naturally lighter in alcohol at 9.5%, Wither Hills Early Light Sauvignon Blanc shows succulent tropical fruit flavours and a zingy citrus backbone. Showcasing tropical guava and mandarin on the nose with zingy lime on the palate.

Wither Hills Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Established in 1994 and named after the landmark Wither Hills range that borders the vineyards, the Wither Hills expert team grow and craft expressive wines New Zealanders know and trust to represent quality. Wither Hills Sauvignon Blanc is refined and elegant, showcasing mouth-watering, textural acidity and a juicy core of tropical and citrus fruit. It has a powerful yet elegant palate with minerality, superb weight and length. A go-to wine for remarkable fruit intensity and style.

Yealands Lighter in Alchohol Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Yealand's wine is inspired by the coast that surrounds them, so close to the ocean that their vines are often misted with sea spray. The beauty of their environment influences how they craft wine, respectful of nature and our land. Yealands believes in sustainable winemaking and creating thoughtfully crafted wines that work in harmony with the landscape.

Yealands Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Yealand's wine is inspired by the coast that surrounds them, so close to the ocean that their vines are often misted with sea spray. The beauty of their environment influences how they craft wine, respectful of nature and our land. Yealands believes in sustainable winemaking and creating thoughtfully crafted wines that work in harmony with the landscape.
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