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19 Crimes Blanc de Blancs 750ml

Blanc de Blancs translates as 'white of whites' - to make this wine 19 Crimes stole grapes from their Hard Chard - snatching them off the vine early to lock in their fresh crispness. A light-bodied sparkling, clean and zesty style, with a crisp finish. A criminally easy wine to enjoy in many ways!

19 Crimes Snoop Dogg Cali Gold Sparkling 750ml

19 Crimes is defiant by nature, bold in character and always uncompromising. This spirit lives on today through innovators and culture creators, like Cali's own Snoop Dogg. A leader in contemporary pop culture, Snoop embodies the timeless values of the 19 Crimes rogues who came before him. 19 Crimes collab with Snoop Dogg is as good as Gold. Delicious Sparkling glistening with gold bubbles, Cali Gold will be the talk of any social gathering or night out.

Brown Brothers Prosecco 750ml

Prosecco's zesty, crisp flavours and delicate bubbles pair well with everything from sweet treats and salty snacks, to fresh seafood, fruit, and desserts. Brown Brothers Prosecco is vibrant and easy-drinking, a refreshing expression of Prosecco that's rich in citrus notes with a soft, bubbly palate.

Brown Brothers Prosecco Rosé 750ml

This delightful Rosé retains the signature freshness and vibrancy of Prosecco, with an added subtle hint of berry on the palate. Crafted with care, a small percentage of Cienna grapes was masterfully blended to achieve the blush hue. Sip on this refreshing sparkling wine, best enjoyed in its youthful and delicate state.

Brown Brothers Sparkling Moscato 750ml

Sparkling Moscato has a bright vibrant colour with a youthful green hue. The wine has lifted musk aromas along with freshly crushed grapes and a sherbet perfume. The palate also shows these characters along with a tight citrus core that balances the fruitiness of this refreshing full sparkling wine. Serve well chilled and enjoy while young and vibrant.

Canti Prosecco DOC Millesimato 750ml

Light golden hues and a satisfyingly fragrant bouquet, with a crisp, lively palate of dry, fruity peach and pear characters. Great aperitif.

Cloudy Bay Pelorus NV 750ml

The Pelorus is crisp and balanced. The pale straw colour and aromas of ripe citrus hint at its Chardonnay origins. On the nose, a bouquet of apple and lemon complements the aromas of fresh bread, drawn from two years' bottle ageing on lees.

Daniel Le Brun Blanc de Blancs Vintage 750ml

Sparkling with straw colours and gold hues, this exquisite méthode exhales aromas of crisp gala apple and wild strawberry complimented by nuances of brioche and toasted pine nuts. In the palate, soft creamy bubbles lead into a rich weighty palate balanced by fresh youthful acidity.

Daniel Le Brun Méthode Traditionnelle Brut NV 750ml

Daniel Le Brun is a New Zealand Méthode Traditionnelle crafted from 100% Marlborough fruit. The culmination of 12 generations of French champagne-making experience, Daniel Le Brun represents the pinnacle of New Zealand méthode.

Deutz Marlborough Cuvée Brut Méthode Traditionnelle 750ml

Deutz Marlborough Cuvee marries the best New Zealand grapes with traditional French Champagne-making techniques establishing a benchmark for New Zealand wine excellence. This is a fabulous wine, with a beautiful body balanced between the gentle sweetness of fresh Pinot Noir fruit and the immense strength of toasty yeast. Laid upon a feather bed of steady, fine mousse, and leaving a long and lingering aftertaste, Brut offers a rendezvous to remember.

G.H. Mumm Grand Cordon Brut Champagne 750ml

Since its establishment in 1827, G.H. Mumm has been rewriting the rules of champagne-making with a daring and innovative spirit. This renowned champagne house is celebrated for its exceptional wines that embody elegance and complexity, setting them apart from the rest. One sip and Mumm Grand Cordon unleashes intense, complex flavours of fresh fruit and caramel that continue into a long, lingering finish. Lush aromas of ripe peach, apricot and pineapple cascade from the glass, chased by hints of vanilla and caramel, yeast, dried fruit and honey. Exuberant bubbles and a brilliant, golden colour testify to the vibrancy of this champagne.

G.H. Mumm Grand Cordon Rosé Champagne Gift Box 750ml

Embodying a passionate personality, Mumm Grand Cordon Rosé expresses its intense, fruity character with rich aromas of wild red and black berries, typical of the Pinot Noir cultivated in Maison Mumm's legendary vineyards. The power and structure of Pinot Noir is delicately balanced with the elegance of Chardonnay and the fruitiness of Meunier. A portion of red wine brings intensity and notes of forest fruits and spice to this elegant blend to create a brut rosé champagne that is at once light, intense, and fresh. Conjuring up the radiance of those golden evening hours, Mumm Grand Cordon Rosé is a perfect champagne to savour. Inspiring and intense, it can be enjoyed on its own or paired with a range of creative and modern dishes.
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