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Mud House Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

All the characteristics of the distinctive new word are captured in our South Australian wines. This wine features black currant, mulberry and vanilla bean aromas, complemented by spicy plum flavours and a lovely, long finish.

Mud House Central Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

Produced from Central Otago fruit this is a wine with spicy red fruits on the nose. Medium bodied with red cherry and currant notes on the palate. Enjoy with all manner of duck dishes.

Mud House Chardonnay 750ml

Consistently beautiful wines that are crafted to capture the essence of their origins.

Mud House Merlot 750ml

Consistently beautiful wines that are crafted to capture the essence of their origins.

Mud House Pinot Gris 750ml

Consistently beautiful wines that are crafted to capture the essence of their origins.

Mud House Riesling 750ml

Consistently beautiful wines that are crafted to capture the essence of their origins.

Mud House Rosé 750ml

Pale pink. Tropical and citrus notes are spliced with a hint of ripe red berry. A lively palate with juicy acidity and refreshing tropical flavours. Subtle hints of red berries emerge on the mid-palate and lead into a lovely, long finish.

Mud House Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Consistently beautiful wines that are crafted to capture the essence of their origins.

Mud House Shiraz 750ml

All the characteristics of the distinctive new word are captured in our South Australian wines. This wine features the heady aromas of ripe blueberry, dark cherry and blackcurrant, with cherry, blackcurrant and dark chocolate notes on the palate.

Mumm Central Otago Blanc de Noirs 750ml

Influenced by the surrounding mountain ranges, cool climate & low fertility soils, Central Otago is ideal for growing outstanding Pinot Noir with elegance & finesse. Made from 100% hand harvested Pinot Noir grapes, the result is a distinctive, well-structured cuvée of exceptional quality with a long, refined finish. Enjoy as an aperitif, or alongside mussels, clams or smoked salmon, cheese platter of hard or smoked cheeses.

Mumm Marlborough Brut Prestige 750ml

Maison Mumm ventures into methode traditionnelle with this NZ sparkling. Delicate lemon-lime and vanillin aromas, the palate beautifully weighted, creamy and toasty with a deliciously chalky finish.

Mumm Marlborough Vintage Rosé 750ml

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