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Dashwood Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Marlborough is a special place for wine. Perhaps it's the cloudless skies or mild temperatures or well-drained soils. It could be the long growing season or their sustainably-farmed vineyards. Whatever the reason, the result is wines that are marked by piercingly vibrant fruit flavours and lively acidity. Scents of mango, lime and passionfruit introduce this Sauvignon Blanc. A weighty, tropical palate is in perfect harmony with the crisp, acidic finish Marlborough is known for.

De Bortoli 8YO Fine Tawny 750ml

Wonderfully integrated ripe dark fruit, almond, chocolate and nutty flavours. Enjoy with a rich fruit or chocolate dessert.

De Bortoli Woodfired Heathcote Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Intense dark colour red with purple edge. Ripe blackberry and blueberry characters, cedar-wood and liquorice. Soft, rich, mouth coating, balanced tannin, hints of classic Cabernet, authentically Heathcote.

De Bortoli Woodfired Heathcote Shiraz 750ml

Rich, mouth filling with balanced tannins - authentically Heathcote.

Deutz Marlborough Cuvée Brut Méthode Traditionnelle 750ml

Deutz Marlborough Cuvee marries the best New Zealand grapes with traditional French Champagne-making techniques establishing a benchmark for New Zealand wine excellence. This is a fabulous wine, with a beautiful body balanced between the gentle sweetness of fresh Pinot Noir fruit and the immense strength of toasty yeast. Laid upon a feather bed of steady, fine mousse, and leaving a long and lingering aftertaste, Brut offers a rendezvous to remember.

Devil's Staircase by Rockburn Pinot Noir 750ml

The Devil's Staircase takes the willing down into the realm of decadence and bacchanalian delights. Here everything is pleasure, spiced up with a dash of naughtiness. The unrelenting environment tortures the vines whose twisted limbs produce wine worthy of absolution. These wines are sinfully succulent and devilishly good.

Dows 10YO TawPort 750ml

This 10 Year Old Port is smooth, well balanced and mature and is ready for drinking now. Dow's 10 Years Old Tawny has a bright tawny colour. On the nose brimming with aromas of candied fruit and toffee, beautifully combined with some mature ripe fruit. On the palate vibrant nutty flavours, perfect balance and with a lovely long finish.

Dows Ruby Port 750ml

Dow's Fine Ruby was aged in seasoned oak casks at our lodges in Vila Nova de Gaia for an average of 3 years, and bottled when ready to drink. Exuberant youthful fruit flavours make it perfect for informal drinking.

Dows Tawny Port 750ml

A superb Tawny from a leading Port house. Dow's Tawny is a very fine and delicate style, with pretty red fruits balanced by nutty depth derived from an average of three years aging in small oak casks. Owned by the historic and also very modern Symington family stable of Ports, the Dow's has both pedigree and sheer quality on its side.

Fat Bird Pinot Gris 750ml

Ripe peach, citrus with floral characters, rounded mouth feel and pleasant dry finish. Great with shellfish.

Fat Bird Red 750ml

Red cherry, plum and spice, fruity and smooth. Perfect match with red meat dishes.

Fat Bird Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Tropical flavours, lime zest, passionfruit and herbaceous characters. Great match with fish or salad dishes.
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